I Bring Western Lifestyle Home

I learned so many things when I was staying abroad especially their good lifestyle that influenced me dramatically ever since. When the first time I touched down at the US in the winter time 2011, I needed winter clothes, then I just realized how cheap the price of one clothe is, it only cost one dollar in Salvation Army store. Later, I knew from my friends over there, this store collected donation stuff from society and sale it and give the money to the charity organization. People donate their stuff a lot, even though a brand new one. This thing made me curios, how come they donate their brand new stuff to this charity shop. I finally got the answer from the seller, sometimes they got present from friends or relatives but they didn’t need it. They decided to put it on a charity box. As they live in a modern society, they don't want to collect and keep many things, because the stuff make the house is full of dust and dirty, at the same ti...