Blood Donate Volunteer

Twenty-five years ago, I started to become  a blood donor when I was still an undergraduate student in Jakarta. 

I began becoming a blood donor because of one scholar’s speech, he said that Allah loves the consistent good deed from people even though it is only the smallest one (Hadits  from Shahih  Bukhori and Muslim). At that time,  so many things I did,  I was a busy guy and barely had enough leisure time. In the early morning, I would prepare and cook food for me and my brother fo a day, yup we rented the same house and lived together, anyways he is two years older than me. later,  I went to my campus until mid day. Then I taught young kids reciting The Quran in a mosque.  At night, I would do my homework or followed organization’s activities, namely HMI.  Since blood donation is only once in three months, I decided to become more consistent to donor my blood. 

Moreover, a couple of days ago,  it was 80th blood donation since the first time I did it. Most of them, I did in Bandar Lampung,  I also donated my blood when I stayed in Jakarta,  Bukittinggi,  Ohio, when I took a short course in the US and several times I donated my blood in New Zealand,  because I used to be a student over there for three years. Sometimes I wonder my blood still stay in other people’s body here and there. I have a dream when I have an opportunity to visit other country this year, I will donate my blood over there   to save humanity everywhere.

Furthermore,  What are the benefits of blood donation?  First of all,  if you donate your blood, it means you save humanity,  whenever some one needs blood, she or he can get the blood from Red Cross Organization near the place they live. It is also good for you to detect something wrong with your health. Your blood must be checked before they use it. You also safe from several disease like cancer, heart disease and blood vessel disease.

After 25 years I have become a blood donor, at the end of the day it already becomes my habit,  I can feel the benefits so much,  not only for health but also for my soul. You can’t understand how satisfied and happy you are after give your blood to the needy. One time, I donated my blood to a patient who really needed the blood. It was so scary at that time since the situation was like about live or die condition. After I donated my blood then I went home,  one  day later the family texted me and said thank you and informed me, a patient who was their family member was safe. After replaying the text, I felt like I was the happiest guy in the world. Since that, I  have always encouraged my  family and students to be a blood donor as well.  

I promise to myself to keep going as a Volunteer to donate blood for the rest of my life in order to follow the hadist about good deed consistently to reach Allah's blessing.  Some students argue that they are too scared of needle,  to be honest, I am also scared of it butI believe that pain will save me later in the day of judgement. I hope my God will smile at me and the blood will save me later, after I saved humanity in this world. I don’t have enough money to be donated,  I also don’t have a bunch of clothes and food to be given, but every two or three months I have my blood free,  I share a part of me sincerely, then I pray to God, whoever gets my blood, please make her or him gets better soon. I hope my family is always healthy as well.


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